I cant find the time to write

because the kids keep running away

and I go chasing after their white furry butts.

And a stranger-neighbor quips

about my fluffy flock’s large ears.

Another handshake between fathers…

-- who knew there were drug deals in paradise?

Pas moi, pas moi…

I see the sunshine,

the clover flowers at the level of my nose –

I get the gentle nudge of a tickly probing face

snuffling along to the drips on my box of coconut water.



Oh! I had to run –

Leila wandered off after the grass-patch of her dreams,

Riley saw the escape path and bumblingly followed suit,

And so I picked myself up and herded them back.

Phew, crisis averted.

Back to munching and crunching and breathing it is.


Family of Living Light

This family reunion is a cascading sigh

of hearts that have felt homesick

for so long;

a melting pot of long-suppressed

“thank you”s and “I love you”s

bubbling out of every crack

in any façade.

The gathering of the nobodies into somebody's -

an accidental grin shatters our masks of apathy,

our common goofiness proving stronger

than our stranger-ness.

All day the sun shines and

we are the people

who wait for each other

and share the last drop of water.

At night, under the stars

we are the people

who hold hands and pray to the fire,

dancing and swooning to

The beat of the drums –

the deep heartbeat of this

flash-flood utopic civilization.

We sing to the dawn in celebration

of this beautiful confirmation:

humanity’s sweetness.